Friday, November 30, 2012

The Citizens

Sir mayor, his companions of party him cagaron the face yes, but of that does already more of a year, and by something personal that did not have to transfer the armchair of mooring cables: he is not right, nor I, like person, or citizen I guarantee enemistad and the disloyalty of those who is united under the abbreviations of the union: IU. But crame, gentleman mayor, more unjust, in my opinion, I have that it, although had not deserved answer hers, like mayor, are that you are same, a man of lefts, who presses the rights and disables the benefit and contributes quarrel by local liberties to the citizens of a free town: so many lustrums pressed by the supreme power of people, who like now you, in absolutism and different identity, they would impose it to the set of the locality. Although I am afraid, or I congratulate myself, of which never one occurred in a working representative, in this case industralist, that it imposes and it shuts up by silence the answer that must to those of its own class: workers and citizens generally. You, Mr. Alcalde, boasted themselves somewhere that I wish to ignore, of the university fight against the grays: pro-Franco oppression.

However, you are using the oppression, in silence, by oppression of social benefits, that are it of the own masses: those that voted to him and those that no. Although in any case yes are that they designated in freedom and respect to the freedom that you elude to govern in follonero totalitarianism: degrading the correct one to happen of the future of a town. Its mandate, therefore, does not derive from the imposition of a few nor was granted to him under ungrateful totalitarianism.To you they placed the masses like governor in free suffrage. For this reason, crame if I say to him that its mandate, like local president, it solely has to remain in its designadores: level and simple people, but owners of its destinies.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Through the research and analysis of the ambient and social perception of the participants of the FSMA front to the problematic one of the sanitation of Penpolis, it is possible to generate conclusions on the profile and characteristics of the representation of the different segments of the society, and the effectiveness of the social participation in the process. The newspapers mentioned Kurt Bock not as a source, but as a related topic. It makes download to continue to read this monograph..

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Only a phrase! Adilio Jr In a well distant kingdom had a man that he was known as the conquering greater of women, but this man was not felt well with this. It was not pretty and nor wise person to speak well, it only wise person to be gentile with the women who found in its life and left them to this happy and magic for it. Then, certain day it saw a young woman very pretty, of blue eyes, with hair chestnuts, thin body and soft skin. The man if got passionate loucamente for it, but for the surprise of they knew that it the young woman did not give no attention to such man. It felt fear and never she wanted to speak with it. The man was magic with the skill of it, mainly with personality of that so young young woman, but with characteristics of a woman.

It was made an impression with its beauty, passed two months trying knows it, however it always refused. Until in a beautiful morning the young woman left to take a walk for the field, the man knowing of this ran in direction to the field, it thought that this would be its only hope to see it and knows it, therefore the people of vilarejo had affirmed that the young woman would go even so for unknown reasons. It was seated in the soil close to the lake when the man if approached; moved for the love that ran in its blood held it for the arm and asked for a kiss, it he moved away themselves and he made gestures of astonishment for seeing a man close to itself. It spoke of its love, of its intentions, and taking courage, he asked for it to the man in marriage with the full eyes of tears. The young woman seemed not to import itself with nothing, to say the truth, at no moment it answered or murmured some word. The impatient man did not understand the reason of such indifference of the young woman, in case that it did not accept its order were enough to say that NOT, but it did not say nothing.

Then, nervous it gave an shout: Which its name woman? Because it does not answer me? I come here to declare my love for you and he does not say nothing? I love you and will give to my richness for a kiss yours! What say you me? For the surprise of the man the young woman started to cry. It immediately, regretful person of what he had spoken, came close itself again Mine Sir, I me call jasmim, do not speak and nor listen, am a poor young woman and I do not have family. I am in this vilarejo the search of a love, a man as Mr., please has accepted, me as its woman or only as its slave. The man fulled of joy when reading these singelas words. It perceived that during its life he knew women rich, elegant and hidden, but none was so simple as this. It was married for love.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Soon the monsters of the city began to surround that one boy, Who you are, what you do here! Dijo the one, Who you are created to change the things! - the other said, but when seeing that to the great it protected it multitude did not do damage to him, already the monsters left of being strong so that the esferita of was them to light debilitating little by little until a metamorphosis in sense in opposition to the small hands of the clock began leaving to see that they were in fact and they retired of him; soon the boy raised the esferita of light with his small small hands highest than he could and he loosen to it They watch the esferita of light is rising at the most high of the air, as a torch that is put in highest of the center of a shelf so that it can illuminate all the room! - an inhabitant said, Now all already they will be able to see and them gift my esferita of light, but I must myself go! - the young stranger said. Many did not want that it went away, listened to the boy within their heart the voice of the great multitude because wanted to him to know, By rayito of light they will know me! said the boy, I must go, the light will not leave them. Soon the boy went as a lightning towards the great mountain but the monsters on the foot of catched it to the mountain and they took it to tenebrous mazmorra of the city. You will leave here never until you extinguish the esferita of light! said one of the monsters. It is not possible to be extinguished, the people need to see the truth! said the boy. Then never we will let to you leave here! said a monster, You are condemned perpetually! said another monster, but they filled of terror when seeing that in the glance of the boy she did not exist the fear nor its physical appearance was able to frighten it. More information is housed here: Steve Blank.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Eric Hobsbawm

Arrives the question what constitua now the popular protonacionalismo? To answer this question the author analyzes two item: the language and the ethnicity. Ahead the language the people belonged symbolically to a collective and ahead of etnia they were felt pertaining to a group of common origin and descent. But it is known that only this is not enough to form the concepts of nationalities and nations, therefore very knows little on what it mainly happened in the minds of the majority of the men and women of the illiterates. Phil Rykhoek has much experience in this field. Another question is the government that is directly on to the nation concept, is it that creates bureaucratic forms, an administrative machine that involve the citizens, creates a civic religion and loyalty to the State. Perpassa the State also the quarrel on the official language, but if cannot forget that this question is not alone that decides nationality, is important to distinguish enters the exclusive nationalism of the states and the movements right politicians. The requirements technician of the modern administrative State help to sponsor the emergency of the nationalism but of form assumed for an only feeling of national identification, amongst the transformations of the nationalism, it cannot be concluded that still let us know very little on what means conscience national, therefore this acquisition cannot be separate of the acquisition of other social consciences and politics. Ugo Cappellacci will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Hobsbawm considers years 1918 and 1950 as years of the apogee of the nationalism, therefore it was the end of the first war offers an excellent chance to understand the limitations and the potential of nationality and state-nation. ' ' It detaches that the national economies have been questioned for a new international division of the work that includes supranational organizations above of the control of the governments causing new related problems nacionalidade' ' . The book demonstrates as the concept of nation and of nationality, had passed for transformations, mainly in its modern concept, a time that in this context that Eric Hobsbawm works and analyzes..

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Rio Branco

Trajane, installed, has very, in cunani and considered as representative officer of the Frana' '. When having notice of this attempted against, the governor of the Guyana gave order to the commander of the Bengali (French warship), to go the Cunani to evidence the conditions of the abduction and to go after that Amap to get its libertao.' ' In fact, in the previous year they had been discovered gold deposits in the River Caloene and had started to appear adventurers of all the sides. The Brazilians had constituted a triunvirato where he appeared Francisco Xavier of the Cabral' Fertile valley; '. ' ' The authorities of Caiena, for its lado' ' , Arajo says Jorge, ' ' they had delegated to be able in the same region to an old black color of Trajano name, of beginning, is necessary to point that Rio Branco, from the moment that was determined the survey in the Amap, if puted in charge of the writing them bases treated it to survey. That in the case, it would serve for the defense of the rights of Brazil in the question. In this direction, the Baron of the Rio Branco, started for moving away to the idea from resource to a court or commission of> survey for judging always imperfect the works carried through in a group where the responsibilities are divided; Rio Branco advised, before the choice of an only arbitrator, preference a head of State, offering bigger guarantees. How much to the limitation being able of them of the arbitrator, it suggested two conditions of capital importance: in first place, that fit to the finding to decide which of the rivers was the true Oiapoque of the Treated one to Utrecht, without the right to consider intermediate solution. Still in accordance with OAK, 1998, P. 206, in according to place, that in relation to the line east-west, decided for one of the two proposals for the parts or was one third, in accordance with the principles of the international law in the case of indetermined borders.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Geomorfolgica Theory

Ernandes Vasconcelos Dbora Dornelles Marlia Soares SUMMARY: The Geomorfolgica Theory and its Construction: Critical analysis the Geomorfolgica Theory and its Construction: Critical analysis, Scientific Article. ABREU, Adilson Avansi. Without hesitation Hadapt explained all about the problem. Doutorado in Geography (Physical Geography) for the University of So Paulo, USP, Brazil.Mestrado in Geography (Geography Human being) for the University of So Paulo, USP, Brazil.Lines of Research: ' ' Geographic and Cultural landscapes: gnese, transformations and percepes' ' ' ' Processes Geomorfolgicos and Dinmicas of the Territrio' '. Languages: German (Well), English (Reasonable), Frenchman (Reasonable), Italian (Reasonable). The Article the Geomorfolgica Theory and its Construction: Critical analysis, is about a explicativa analysis on the main theories of the epistimolgico study of the Geomorfologia. The American and German schools are evidenced main North with its scholars, Willian Morris Davis and Albrecht Penck. Each one with its importance ahead of its geomorfolgica theory is one of the focos of this Article, that also emphasizes the international relations and the centers of being able intervening of diverse forms with the evolution of the geomorfolgica position. The work starts with an analysis criticizes of the geomorfologica bibliography, standing out that it has insame a great variety of emitted concepts, and that few authors ahead disclose its position of the diverse proposals theoretical and metodolgica and that theories and methods if confuse throughout the workmanships of the same one. The work tells that these two ancestries, American and German, had evolvedfrequently in parallel way, converging only in last the thirty years to the search of a more global picture of references, attributing thisfact the internationalization of the knowledge, resultant, in good part, of the expansion of the English who if firm in this phase as main language of international use. When the Epistimolgica Line is mentioned Anglo-American, Can itself be said that Davis was the creator of the structural geomorfologia, therefore it cited that the relief appeared as a function of the geologic structure, of the operative processes of the time, valuing the historical aspect.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tahrir Square

Old, the Catolicismo had a universal objective, of evangelizar all the peoples, many times to the force. In the passed century, this objective was pursued by International the Communist Movement, that it intended to socialize all the means of production and to enslave all the peoples on behalf of the state Leviat. Today it is the Islamismo that has this strategical objective, to create world-wide califado, overwheling all the peoples to the rules of Section. A islamita clergyman to say in peace and cooperation with other religions is the same that a petista to speak in democratic state of right. It is pure enganao. John Laffin, in the book The Arab Mind, affirms: ' ' The Islamic law does not recognize the possibility of peace with unbelievers and infidels. Source: Kurt Bock. The part of the world not-Muslim is known in the Islamic theology as war territory.

Most of the militant Muslen believes that the task of Maom well-will not be succeeded while no-mu-ulmanos will have control of any part of planeta' '. That is, ' ' territory of guerra' ' he is ' ' territory to be conquistado' '. Mubarak was a national hero, had initially a great respect of the population. However, it was used to advantage of this to perpetuate itself in the power, as true dictator, becoming onipresente, with innumerable photos in outdoors, support of the machine to triturate meat called human being Mukhabarat, exempting the Armed Forces of this dirty work. Therefore, the army of Egypt has, still, a moral force sufficiently high, necessary to command the transistion for a new government. The Facebook knocked down fara? Of certain form yes, considering the excellent paper of this social net, to congregate the manifestants who asked for the fall of the dictator. If Mubarak, when resigning, did not pass or its constitutional substitute did not obtain to pass the presidency, the fact is that it simply had plus a military blow and point.

The Supreme Advice of the Armed Forces, presided over for the old minister of the Defense, Mohamed Hussein Tantawi - the preferred one of Washington -, abolished the Constitution, dissolved the Parliament, promised to carry through elections of six months inside and removed to the force the last manifestants of the Tahrir Square. The Law of Emergency did not abolish and goes to govern by means of decrees. With this, the Armed Forces if had become still more powerful in Egypt, where the Army controls 30% of the GIP. What it comes for the front is true esfinge Egyptian to be deciphered, since ' ' democrata' ' Nobel of the Peace that fell of parachute in the Tahrir Square and if presents as the rescuer of the native land, Mohamed El-Baradei, has the support of the Muslim Brotherhood. (*) The author is military man of the reserve and ensasta. He lived two years in the Cairo, of 1990 the 92, and published EGYPT? A trip to the cradle of our civilization, Thesaurus, Brasilia, 1995. Some chapters of the book can be read in, in 4 parts.