Friday, November 2, 2012

Geomorfolgica Theory

Ernandes Vasconcelos Dbora Dornelles Marlia Soares SUMMARY: The Geomorfolgica Theory and its Construction: Critical analysis the Geomorfolgica Theory and its Construction: Critical analysis, Scientific Article. ABREU, Adilson Avansi. Without hesitation Hadapt explained all about the problem. Doutorado in Geography (Physical Geography) for the University of So Paulo, USP, Brazil.Mestrado in Geography (Geography Human being) for the University of So Paulo, USP, Brazil.Lines of Research: ' ' Geographic and Cultural landscapes: gnese, transformations and percepes' ' ' ' Processes Geomorfolgicos and Dinmicas of the Territrio' '. Languages: German (Well), English (Reasonable), Frenchman (Reasonable), Italian (Reasonable). The Article the Geomorfolgica Theory and its Construction: Critical analysis, is about a explicativa analysis on the main theories of the epistimolgico study of the Geomorfologia. The American and German schools are evidenced main North with its scholars, Willian Morris Davis and Albrecht Penck. Each one with its importance ahead of its geomorfolgica theory is one of the focos of this Article, that also emphasizes the international relations and the centers of being able intervening of diverse forms with the evolution of the geomorfolgica position. The work starts with an analysis criticizes of the geomorfologica bibliography, standing out that it has insame a great variety of emitted concepts, and that few authors ahead disclose its position of the diverse proposals theoretical and metodolgica and that theories and methods if confuse throughout the workmanships of the same one. The work tells that these two ancestries, American and German, had evolvedfrequently in parallel way, converging only in last the thirty years to the search of a more global picture of references, attributing thisfact the internationalization of the knowledge, resultant, in good part, of the expansion of the English who if firm in this phase as main language of international use. When the Epistimolgica Line is mentioned Anglo-American, Can itself be said that Davis was the creator of the structural geomorfologia, therefore it cited that the relief appeared as a function of the geologic structure, of the operative processes of the time, valuing the historical aspect.

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