Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Difference

But the society also canalizes the aggressiveness directing it against the own subject and generating in him superyo, brings back to consciousness moral, that will as well be the source of the culpability feeling and the consequent necessity of punishment. The authority is internalizada, and superyo tortures I " pecaminoso" generating anguish to him. Others including Ugo Cappellacci , offer their opinions as well. It brings back to consciousness moral acts especially in severe form when something left bad (and then we make an examination of brings back to consciousness). We thus get to know two origins the feeling from culpability: one is the fear to the authority, and other, more recent, the fear to superyo. Both instances force to resign to the instincts, with the difference that to the second is not possible to elude it.

It is created therefore it brings back to consciousness moral, which demands new resignations as well. But then, from where comes the remorse to have killed to proto father of the primitive horde, since at that time it did not have brings back to consciousness moral there is since it today? According to Freud it derives from the ambivalent feelings towards the same. The price paid by the progress of the culture resides in loss of happiness by increase of the culpability feeling. Feeling of culpability means here severity of superyo, perception of this severity on the part of I, and monitoring. Freud concludes that the genesis of the culpability feelings is in the aggressive tendencies.

When preventing the erotic satisfaction, we return the aggression towards that person whom it prohibits, and this aggression is canalized towards superyo, of where the culpability feelings emanate. Also there is superyo cultural that establishes rigid ideals. The destiny of the human species depends on to what extent the culture will be able to do against the human aggressiveness, and here would have to play a decisive role the Eros, the opposite tendency. Original author and source of the article.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Honesty Versus Courtesy

Perhaps you are in agreement with me if I say that honesty to you is the base of all personal success, certain? As we are honest in our thoughts, declarations, actions, our relations will be more effective and would enjoy continuous well-being so that they are planted in fertile earth and with the stability that the truth provides. Courtesy is another manifestation that will have the result that we want in agreement our intensity. That is to say, the courtesy is one more a tool of our relations. It can be used with honorable intentions that contribute to the fortification of a relation or with intentions of evasion of a personal cause. " to be cortes" it is a quality very appreciated, especially when it comes from an authentic source. One feels well when we entered a Mall and they maintain the door to us with a smile. When we take passage in the highway and they correspond to us with a gesture of " Thanks! " or when we called to an office to make an appointment and we felt " that importamos" so that the person to the other side of the line I take care to deal with to us the best way. Now, What happens when a person that you know asks to you as you perceive its work or its person? In other words it asks to you that you give " to him; feedback" so that it has genuine desire to change what this not working. It has happened to you? What you have responded? You still served to him as the best way knowing than the information that you would give would put in risk your relation with or she? Ufff! This of " to offer opiniones" it is not simple thing so that until unconsciously it promotes a fear to (To lose, to shine badly, not to be opportune or assertive etc.).