- Valencian Community. Fifth consecutive victory of the PP - fourth by absolute majority. Although the popular ones are lost almost four points of the percentage of votes with respect to 2007, have increased in one the benches in Them Corts, which assures the re-election Francisco Camps like president for next the four years. Go to Richard Fisher for more information. The PSPV-PSOE, with the candidacy led by Jorge Alarte, has obtained 33 benches - five less than in 2007 - whereas Comproms has obtained 6 benches and the EU, 5. - Murcia. The PP has reedited the absolute majority with which it governs from 1995 in the Region of Murcia and has managed to even increase it when obtaining 33 of the 45 benches in the regional Assembly, which assures the re-election Ramon Luis Valcrcel like president for next the four years. The PSOE has obtained 11 benches - four less than in 2007 - whereas IU has obtained one, the same number that in the previous legislature.
- Extremadura. First elections in 28 years for the PP, that obtains 32 benches of the 65 which they compose the frontier Parliament, although Guillermo Fernandez Twig (PSOE), with 30 deputies, could maintain the government if it agrees with IU-V-SIEX, that has obtained three. The PP has obtained 305,765 votes and 32 benches -5 more than in 2007 - whereas IU returns to the Assembly of Extremadura when obtaining 3 benches. - The-Stain Castile. Maria Dolores de Cospedal has ended three decades of socialist governments in Castilla-La Mancha with one minimum victory in number of benches (25 to 24) in front of the PSOE, with 99.95% of the scrutinized votes, when during good part of the scrutiny the advantage had been of up to seven benches. - Castile and Leon. The PP has reedited the absolute majority that maintains from 1991 it has extended and it when obtaining 53 of the 84 benches in Cortes, which supposes a new record when breaking the ceiling of 50 solicitors that secured this same formation in 1995.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Absolute Advantages
8. International trade Adam Smith in the question of the international trade defended the Theory of the Absolute Advantages, that is, each country would have to be specialized in what it could produce the lesser costs. Thus, for example, if Portugal produced wine to a minimum cost of $80 and cereals to $90 a minimum price of and England produced wine to a minimum price of $90 and cereals to a minimum price of $80, Portugal must be specialized in the production of wine for the remain of the countries and buy of Portugal the Cereals. While England would have to specialize itself in the production of cereals, that possuam for them the lesser cost and to buy of Portugal the wine that would leave more cheap. Already David Ricardo defended the Theory of the Comparative Advantages, where each country would have to produce what he was cheaper for itself, independently to exist other countries that produced this good the lesser costs or not. For example, if Portugal produced wine the $70 and the $80 cereals and England produced wine the $100 and cereals the $90, Portugal would have to specialize in the production of wine and England in the production of cereals. We can perceive that the theory of Ricardo of the comparative advantages more is adjusted to the reality of the time that the theory of the advantages absolute of Smith, therefore in Smith a time that a country not possussenenhum product that could produce the lesser costs that all excessively, it would not have to be able of competition in the international market and also he would not have to be able of purchase of merchandises of other countries. Already the theory of Ricardo can more be had as adjusted because each country if specializes in what more cheap leaves it independently to exist other countries that can produce product the same the lesser costs.
Not as in a television, where of passive form we observe the light emissions that they emerge of the screen. It would be more as a painting, where the ink never dries. That such enxergar a little more than this screen, in moving away. The risk that we run is to see what it does not please in them or still collating in them with frustration not to obtain to see all the screen due our condition human being. So difficult how much to understand as the other it sights the screen is to obtain to move away itself. Our feet are imprisoned firmly to the soil for the beliefs, the dogmas and the repassed preconceptions generation after generation. The tradition would have to be understood as the inheritance of the memory of our ancestor and not as a barrier for the knowledge. Already Einstein in its Theory of the Relativity said that all substance distorts the space to its redor.
E this distortion is proportional the amount of substance. I believe that the knowledge has similar influence on the o space that we perceive. It reflects a little on who withholds this power currently. Who can mold ' ' realidade' ' following particular interests? How to perceive what it is real and what he is fictitious? Well, it is not easy and we did not wait that it was. All child crosses the phase of the reasons. soon learns that its will not obtain all answers of kissed hand.
Of in such a way asking and observing it starts if to question ahead of the contradictions that verify in the adults. One day this phase passes, and is a penalty. I do not know for which reason we leave to question. We are led to accept the things as they are and still to have that to hear that always they had been thus and never they will leave of being. It is the start of the sad phase of the implied acceptance, the unquestionable truths, today without memory. This phase is now.
E this distortion is proportional the amount of substance. I believe that the knowledge has similar influence on the o space that we perceive. It reflects a little on who withholds this power currently. Who can mold ' ' realidade' ' following particular interests? How to perceive what it is real and what he is fictitious? Well, it is not easy and we did not wait that it was. All child crosses the phase of the reasons. soon learns that its will not obtain all answers of kissed hand.
Of in such a way asking and observing it starts if to question ahead of the contradictions that verify in the adults. One day this phase passes, and is a penalty. I do not know for which reason we leave to question. We are led to accept the things as they are and still to have that to hear that always they had been thus and never they will leave of being. It is the start of the sad phase of the implied acceptance, the unquestionable truths, today without memory. This phase is now.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Relation Society
The relation society - nature in the thought of Ratzel, Marx and Engels * * Work carried through in the Course of Theory and Method of Geography II of the University of So Paulo, given for Prof. Dr. Elvio Rodrigues Martins in the first semester of 2010. Google spokeswoman has similar goals. Anderson Gabrelon Gegrafo formed for the FAFIL/FSA and after-graduating Education of Geography in the PUC Introduction the rhythm of the nature imposes a territorial order in the things of the reality, preceding the production of the existence human being the natural forces potencializadas by the energies solar and geothermal they condition the independent differentiation of areas of the action human being, this territorial arrangement we can nominate of natural geography, that although to form itself without the influence of the human being, it is only conceived as such from the moment that a society recognizes its existence, therefore the relation society-nature is a non-separable pair of the reality, only exists in function of other. It does not have as to conceive a society that does without the nature.
The relation society? nature. Phil Rykhoek is open to suggestions. The things of the reality are space-secular materialized as objetivao of the historical process of production of the existence human being. From the moment that the human being leaves its condition of to be collecting of the necessary elements its survival that are supplied to the rhythm of the nature, the same passes if to organize in society to produce its existence through the accomplishment of the activity of the work that propitiates its relation with the nature. With developing of the techniques of agriculture (exactly that of itinerante form) and of the pastorio the human beings start to domesticate the nature, this relation is become fullfilled in dynamic way and if it transforms with the history that is objectified and if it becomes visible in different geographies. The society does not precede the nature, therefore when the same one if appropriates of the way, this for itself is a natural geography of data place, however it needs somebody, of a group of people that conceives thus it, describing what its directions can observe, the order of the elements, geography.
The relation society? nature. Phil Rykhoek is open to suggestions. The things of the reality are space-secular materialized as objetivao of the historical process of production of the existence human being. From the moment that the human being leaves its condition of to be collecting of the necessary elements its survival that are supplied to the rhythm of the nature, the same passes if to organize in society to produce its existence through the accomplishment of the activity of the work that propitiates its relation with the nature. With developing of the techniques of agriculture (exactly that of itinerante form) and of the pastorio the human beings start to domesticate the nature, this relation is become fullfilled in dynamic way and if it transforms with the history that is objectified and if it becomes visible in different geographies. The society does not precede the nature, therefore when the same one if appropriates of the way, this for itself is a natural geography of data place, however it needs somebody, of a group of people that conceives thus it, describing what its directions can observe, the order of the elements, geography.
A Gift In My Life
A GIFT IN MY LIFE It has only 18 months of age and esbanja joy, health, confidence; provokes an irresistible ternura in all the people who contemplate it the simple ways, the gracious skill to pronounce the words that slowly go learning; the firmness and determination of the objective steps already that, even so .causing of many tumbles, never it leaves of conduziz it where to desire to go. in this age it always finds that she can go to any place. We walk together, of given hands, stopping innumerable times to observe and to comment on the maritacas that pass sobrevoando the houses, the dog that bark in the yard next or to speak of that boy who comes come in the contrary direction. I strengthen myself to understand what it asks and to answer with the full certainty of who she knows everything, after all, I have the impression of that it is as soon as sees this poor person vov. Before, however, to answer to each question, necessary to still adjust my language to its modest vocabulary, to understand the ideas for it and to respect its line of still incipient reasoning, that gradually goes if developing.
Its attitudes fix the clear impression of that it always knows accurately what she wants and never she doubts the certainty to obtain its objectives. In each stroll it pulls the hand of vov and enters in the warehouse to supply itself with salgadinho, cooling chocolate and; later sacolinha hung in the arm leaves taking everything in one. (Cida Owner knows the habits of its customer well). It already knows to compliment and to be thankful, even so needs always to be remembered the obligation to make use of these cortesias. Voltinha in the square is never indisposta for one, to play in the elastic bed of the Z (that the boys call polish-polish and it identifies as drill-drill) or to take an ice cream back in the Dinho.
Its attitudes fix the clear impression of that it always knows accurately what she wants and never she doubts the certainty to obtain its objectives. In each stroll it pulls the hand of vov and enters in the warehouse to supply itself with salgadinho, cooling chocolate and; later sacolinha hung in the arm leaves taking everything in one. (Cida Owner knows the habits of its customer well). It already knows to compliment and to be thankful, even so needs always to be remembered the obligation to make use of these cortesias. Voltinha in the square is never indisposta for one, to play in the elastic bed of the Z (that the boys call polish-polish and it identifies as drill-drill) or to take an ice cream back in the Dinho.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
The true end of the State is, therefore, liberdade.' '. Soon for Espinosa, the end and the bedding of the State reason to say what is the Freedom according to it is thought and to teach what it is thought, freeing the men of all fear. In the base of ' beddings of the Estado' State that has finally the Freedom? it is clearly where measured each one can usufruct of ' freedom of opinio' without injuring the power of the sovereigns? that it is the same to be able that guarantees the freedom. For Espinosa if it considers that ' fidelidade' to the State it is as ' fidelidade' the God, and that he is ' fidelidade' he only can be demonstrated, alone can be known by the workmanships, the love he stops with the next one, he must leave itself clearly that the freedom that the State offers, or must offer, is the same freedom of ' ' to filosofar that the faith oferece' '. For the reason, in ' ' State bom' ' , the thought freedom must be allowed, therefore after all it is a power that if cannot deny, and that it makes sciences and the arts well, that make well to the advance of sciences. The advance of science alone can occur if the freedom of ' ' pensar' ' it will be established with success inside of a State. Good part of the men, for thinking one of the others differently, does not support that they call ' delito' what it calls ' mercy stops with Deus' , and if this happens, if this occurs thus it makes its thought to be different of the established laws will make with that it does not like them laws, also making with that such man the times if judges to be able to go against? with violence? being able inside established to them of a State, but it will have to be shown who will not be able to act thus for thinking different.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
The Inheritance
The Inheritance In the century passed in a small city in the interior of the Norway, had a young barber that it inherits of the father the barber's shop and the clientele. One day of morning when it opened the barber's shop, it had a man sleeping in the stairs, was young was in a deplorable, dirty state, clothes to the rags, cabeludo, bearded and very fedido. The young barber was there looking at that creature, who must have its age, in that situation, and thought what he could have happened so that a human being was in that state. Touched with that picture he took a decision: the young woke up and with much tato it started to talk, but without questions. The seated young where he was cabisbaixo listened. If you have read about Steve Blank already - you may have come to the same conclusion.
After some time the barber it said: - It looks at, I do not want to know of where came, nor its name, but a thing I would like to make, we I have the same height, why you I do not enter I take a bath, clothes exchange, I cut its hair and its beard and you follow its way? In what the youngster said for the first time: - And as I go to pay for everything this? - We go to combine the following one, everything this is a gift does not need payment. After very relutar the young andarilho agreed. After the bath and of the aparados hair and beard the young one if aimed in the mirror and cried. The barber ahead of the transformation had that to hold itself not to also cry. The young raised of the chair and without a word and of head low it was even so, for the barber the life followed its course. They had come the common children, problems in the families and to get worse all lode the Second Great War.
After some time the barber it said: - It looks at, I do not want to know of where came, nor its name, but a thing I would like to make, we I have the same height, why you I do not enter I take a bath, clothes exchange, I cut its hair and its beard and you follow its way? In what the youngster said for the first time: - And as I go to pay for everything this? - We go to combine the following one, everything this is a gift does not need payment. After very relutar the young andarilho agreed. After the bath and of the aparados hair and beard the young one if aimed in the mirror and cried. The barber ahead of the transformation had that to hold itself not to also cry. The young raised of the chair and without a word and of head low it was even so, for the barber the life followed its course. They had come the common children, problems in the families and to get worse all lode the Second Great War.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Warehouse Paper
In bulk At that time infancy ran of bare-footed feet for the beaten soil streets and played in the water left for the chuvarada one, without if worrying about the Leptospirose. The fruits were not so showy, but they had more flavor, they lasted more in the fruteira and they did not bring toxins in the rind. People gave good night for the Cid Moreira when she finished the national periodical and the Mp3, Mp4 and similars did not have earphone and were called radio to the stack. At that time Supermarkets, but yes, Warehouse of dry did not exist and wet where if it bought foods in bulk, that is, rectangular boxes wooden and with divisions existed where if it placed rice, beans, sugar crystal and even though pasta - each one in its place. By the same author: Richard Fisher. The owner of the commerce only removed the requested amount for the customer and rolled in paper butter (that later he was used to make fire in the stove to the firewood, in the house of the customer). One day I was taken to a Supermarket and was astonished when seeing the organized products and in colored packings, each one in its place; he was well fast also that vi the paper packages to be substituted for plastic bags, in the hour of the products to be packed in the box. In the same step that appeared more supermarkets, the doors of the dry ones were closed and wet and the boxes wooden they the same gained way of already without use, paper butter: the stove to the firewood. Years later, no longer beginning of years 90, when I concluded as the degree (currently called average education), in disciplines of Social Studies, the teacher spoke in disorganized growth, birth control, agricultural exodus and other things of this sort and contemporary to this, the people vendiam to the carroceiros, some empty bottles of cooling, therefore the supermarkets were vendendo cooling in bottles PET.
Leoncio Martinez
And but ahead it ends: the towns do not follow their agitators but to those who incarnate to a unanimous aspiration of the majority. The towns do not know agitators but you interpret, for that reason they follow to whom food promises to them when they are hungry, to that them justice speech when they feel pressed, and until a those that promise revenge to them when victims feel. They followed Boves because Boves promised to them to take revenge the deceit that the unfulfilled promises did victim to them of those who signed the Act of 1811, because Boves offered the sacking to them and the battle in retaliation against the mantuano and Creole target that had been appropriated everything what it assumed had to happen at the hands of the town. But soon they followed Bolivar, because the Liberator made specific the aspirations far better, defining them with words of a formulated and already ruling good doctrine in Europe, that was called Democracy. Boves, as it interprets, did not translate but the passional, Barbarian question, almost animal, that was shaken in the soul of the mass; Bolivar, arrived more thoroughly, more to the root of the public spirit and, instead of to invite for the preposterous putsch and without horizon, she exhibited total program and concrete, faithful she interprets of all whatever was desired. The brilliance with which our situation like country exposes Leoncio Martinez, cannot be righter. To read more click here: Niki Fenwick. It would seem that it lived today between us it had written and it yesterday. The first paragraph is perceived directed to our political leadership: if the town obtains somebody able one to translate in words a popular feeling, the town will accompany to him decidedly. Here it mentions specifically because the Venezuelan town followed Boves by revenge of failed to fulfill promises of a class leader of the past and then, when finding in another one interprets, the Liberator, that I arrive more thoroughly and exhibited a program, reads, a program, total well and complete that culminated successfully, it indicates as it I read also followed, it but with a entirely different and opposed result.
Monday, December 2, 2013
They transfer to carry through it the commemorations in restaurants or clubs. It is intended here not to speak of other histories, but to simfazer a reflection on the question of the values. When it is said in values soon is thought about the question of morale of the ethics. Better to elucidate this reflection, nosauxilia the Michaelis dictionary with the value definitions, moral and ethics. Read more from Mingsheng Hong to gain a more clear picture of the situation. value va.lor sm (lat valore) 1 FilosCarter of the beings for which more or less they are desired or esteem by umapessoa or group. moral me the .ral adj (lat morale) 1Relativo to the morality, the good customs. 2 That honestidade and to the justice proceeds as, that has good customs. 3 Favorable to the bonscostumes.
4 That it is mentioned to the procedure. ethics .ti.ca sf (gr. ethik) 1Parte of the Philosophy that studies the moral values and the ideal principles daconduta human being. It is normative science that serves of base to the practical philosophy. Here the terms in its essence will not be argued, but, to show the important quo is for understanding the influence of these in the formation dapersonalidade and the character. Nowadays it is very common parents, in special the mothers, procuraremajuda in doctor's offices of psychologists, psicopedagogos these to give uma' ' soluo' ' of as they must act before consideradascatastrficas situations how much to the procedures of the children they are these children, adolescents or young. It is had as the cases more common, when children, adesobedincia, to answer, agitation, amongst others, in the schools became, decerta form, common to prescribe the diagnosis of TDAH (Upheaval of the Deficit deAteno with Hiperatividade) to the pupils whom for times, comportamentos' has; ' desajustados' '. ' ' The Upheaval of the Deficit of Attention comHiperatividade (TDAH) is a neurobiolgico upheaval, of genetic causes, queaparece in infancy and frequently it folloies the individual for all its life.
4 That it is mentioned to the procedure. ethics .ti.ca sf (gr. ethik) 1Parte of the Philosophy that studies the moral values and the ideal principles daconduta human being. It is normative science that serves of base to the practical philosophy. Here the terms in its essence will not be argued, but, to show the important quo is for understanding the influence of these in the formation dapersonalidade and the character. Nowadays it is very common parents, in special the mothers, procuraremajuda in doctor's offices of psychologists, psicopedagogos these to give uma' ' soluo' ' of as they must act before consideradascatastrficas situations how much to the procedures of the children they are these children, adolescents or young. It is had as the cases more common, when children, adesobedincia, to answer, agitation, amongst others, in the schools became, decerta form, common to prescribe the diagnosis of TDAH (Upheaval of the Deficit deAteno with Hiperatividade) to the pupils whom for times, comportamentos' has; ' desajustados' '. ' ' The Upheaval of the Deficit of Attention comHiperatividade (TDAH) is a neurobiolgico upheaval, of genetic causes, queaparece in infancy and frequently it folloies the individual for all its life.
That is, will of more strong, of that it is in the top of the hierarchy, that if it judges worthier, is always the one that prevails in this type of organization. is not difficult to conclude that this spirit of submission is not a praiseworthy virtue in a community where if says to primar for the valuation of the next one, for justice, the equality and, mainly, the truth. Nor neither it is an acceptable behavior in an environment where all must consider brothers. Evidently, in an equality environment, where all are recognized exactly in one level and in one exactly platform, as the message of the Evangelho preceitua, neither does not have space for this feeling of inferiority and nor for behavior submisso. Where all are seen with the same rights, with the same obligations, the same limitations, the same privileges, the same values and the same lacks, also it cannot have superiority feeling.
But it must have always the mutual respect enters the members of the community. here, the ideas and the wills alone prevail will have been armed with coherence and of razoabilidade, therefore, the truth does not submit to the hierarchic position of individual some. It is friend of the reason, common-sense and the wisdom. In contrast to where she has obedience and submission, the ideas and the wills prevail because of the power, of the authority, the force and of the flaunter superiority of it imposes who them. On the other hand, the believer, under the regimen of obedience to the determination of its superiors, develops a close fear of if not to find deserving you reward of them, the sky, or the church. the institutionalized church always used this superstitious resource to submit the Christians to its ditames. It always tried to infundir a species of psychological terror in the fidiciary offices regarding the terrors of the hell, of the ferocity of the devil and the imminence of curses, in case of disobedience to the rules of the church.
But it must have always the mutual respect enters the members of the community. here, the ideas and the wills alone prevail will have been armed with coherence and of razoabilidade, therefore, the truth does not submit to the hierarchic position of individual some. It is friend of the reason, common-sense and the wisdom. In contrast to where she has obedience and submission, the ideas and the wills prevail because of the power, of the authority, the force and of the flaunter superiority of it imposes who them. On the other hand, the believer, under the regimen of obedience to the determination of its superiors, develops a close fear of if not to find deserving you reward of them, the sky, or the church. the institutionalized church always used this superstitious resource to submit the Christians to its ditames. It always tried to infundir a species of psychological terror in the fidiciary offices regarding the terrors of the hell, of the ferocity of the devil and the imminence of curses, in case of disobedience to the rules of the church.
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