Monday, December 2, 2013


They transfer to carry through it the commemorations in restaurants or clubs. It is intended here not to speak of other histories, but to simfazer a reflection on the question of the values. When it is said in values soon is thought about the question of morale of the ethics. Better to elucidate this reflection, nosauxilia the Michaelis dictionary with the value definitions, moral and ethics. Read more from Mingsheng Hong to gain a more clear picture of the situation. value va.lor sm (lat valore) 1 FilosCarter of the beings for which more or less they are desired or esteem by umapessoa or group. moral me the .ral adj (lat morale) 1Relativo to the morality, the good customs. 2 That honestidade and to the justice proceeds as, that has good customs. 3 Favorable to the bonscostumes.

4 That it is mentioned to the procedure. ethics sf (gr. ethik) 1Parte of the Philosophy that studies the moral values and the ideal principles daconduta human being. It is normative science that serves of base to the practical philosophy. Here the terms in its essence will not be argued, but, to show the important quo is for understanding the influence of these in the formation dapersonalidade and the character. Nowadays it is very common parents, in special the mothers, procuraremajuda in doctor's offices of psychologists, psicopedagogos these to give uma' ' soluo' ' of as they must act before consideradascatastrficas situations how much to the procedures of the children they are these children, adolescents or young. It is had as the cases more common, when children, adesobedincia, to answer, agitation, amongst others, in the schools became, decerta form, common to prescribe the diagnosis of TDAH (Upheaval of the Deficit deAteno with Hiperatividade) to the pupils whom for times, comportamentos' has; ' desajustados' '. ' ' The Upheaval of the Deficit of Attention comHiperatividade (TDAH) is a neurobiolgico upheaval, of genetic causes, queaparece in infancy and frequently it folloies the individual for all its life.

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