Thursday, January 9, 2014

Holy Writs

For what we saw, the theological development of the patrstica mariologia incialmente covers a definitive trajectory more for reasons cristolgico-description-salvficos, until an express interest in the person and the destination of the proper Maria. This makes with that the same one is divinizada by thousand of fidiciary offices in the whole world. I see that the above-mentioned dotrina is more than matrix of the mariologia of what of the cristologia. Consideraes Final: We see that the doctrine of the virginal birth is not mentioned of explicit form in all Bible. As much Pablo as none of the other Apstolos if ' had worried in making mention to such; ' acontecimento' '.

Nor Jesus if wants ahead placed Maria in a position of privilege of such belief. It is irrefutable that in the paganismo this is sufficiently common in contrast that stops the judaism is the great madness. Everything what we have on the virginal birth is based verbal knowledge and nothing in the Biblical Holy Writs. Exactly this doctrine possessing great discredit for the modern theologians, exists those people who believe. The belief in this doctrine does not modify the cristologia, opposes for it, enaltece. Sample that God in its sovereignty can make any thing, also to use a couple of pecadores to conceive the rescuer of the world. I clearly leave that the objective of this article is not to break the faith in the virginal birth of Jesus, but to only say that: the apstolos had not mentioned such event, the Bible do not affirm of explicit form such event, that this doctrine is one empecilho strong for not the conversion of Jews, this does not modify the soteriolgica and cristolgica question. It can be believed what to want, but the question key is: what the Holy Writs say (interrogation).

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