Saturday, February 15, 2014


The term customer is exclusive of psychology humanist with this can be said that it is of this area. Sean when finding Will sees, it as a person who needs to be helped, that person needs to meet while, although this (Will) to provoke it, when desvelar the mystery of the engraving painted for the psychologist who consisted of a boat to walk nomadic, sad and solitary in the ocean that represented the solitude and the loss of its wife. This (Sean grasps) it for the neck it puts and it against the wall; this aggression alone was allowed why the customer entered in the privacy of the therapist without its permission. This leaves the therapist in conflict, but nor therefore it left the psicoterpicas cessions next to the youngster. Already in the second session the therapist enters in the privacy of the customer with only this question: ' ' you have fear to say who really you you are? ' '. In this Sean direction he discovers that Will has anti-relation between ' ' eu' ' ' ' I ideal' ' , cause of its maladjustment. This sample that Will if found in incongruncia state therefore did not have harmony between its ' ' eu' ' its individual experience.

This leads to say the words of Rogers where: ' ' the necessity of attention, approval, love, affection, respect of the other people are important necessities of the human being that can become so powerful that it arrives to supplant the more basic biological necessities of organismo' '. For even more opinions, read materials from Kurt Bock. Everything this the boy needed and therefore it was presented in vulnerable and antisocial way. It is interesting to perceive that in the film the main conditions of the therapeutical process happen above cited. Will being the customer, if finds in disagreement state intern. This is seen by the therapist as social inability and negative vision of future; already the therapist, Sean if finds in contrast in internal state in agreement, with this it plays the catalyst role, making with the little Will learns to trust it. Credit: Steve Blank-2011. The therapeutic one shows the Will, through the confidence that it needs to fully try certain feelings that until then had deformed or denied, is the case of its namorada in which it needs to assume its feelings in relation it.

With this the image of ' ' eu' ' of dumb Will in way to allow the integration of elements in denied experiences. Moreover, Will evolves in agreement for an internal state that consists of the harmony of its ' ' eu' ' with ' ' I ideal' '. On the other hand, between I and its experience, producing a general reduction of the tension level? psychological, how much in such a way physiological, diminishing its vulnerability that consisted of the antisocial behavior and negative vision of future. With aid of the therapist, Will to little starts to have one positive consideration regarding itself exactly; now Will can be considered as apt to control and to direct its behavior. It is more mature and more social.

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