Thursday, April 10, 2014

Project Managers

5 Questions that, initially, I raise to the sector and that they may be expanded, nuanced and since then improved by expert colleagues would be the following: 1. we have considered the Project Managers on the mistakes we have made during the period of high growth in the real estate Sector abruptly ended in 2007? 2. How do we continue to believe that we are indispensable for a proper functioning of a real estate promotion, and that we are unique and perfect or are willing to admit that there are other possible model and that it is possible to live with these other models? 3. What we believe that we have been able to convey to the market a unitary message of what we do, what we serve and what value we add to projects? 4. What we have always been honest with customers and have them advised in the most convenient way for their interests or on the contrary we have acted thinking to our benefit in the short term? 5 When we complain about fierce competition in the Sector, we look coldly at what do we do, or only believe in what they do the rest of our competitors? ES evident that there may be many more questions, and there are multiple answers, all valuable and useful. My fundamental proposal is not if they should be these or other questions nor prejudge what the answers but we try to initiate this process of catharsis by this or another method, but in any case that let's start it and that in addition to finish it fast. In this way, we will be on the right track because we will be realistic and will also be well informed of what really can offer to our customers, which will necessarily lead us to achieve the ultimate success.

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