Let us see for how many the veracity of the meat will swear, Real the will of that it pronounces to it, saying: ' ' It will be that I have the ortaleza of the rocks, and will be of bronze my meat? /Here it is that I soon go to lie down itself for land; You will look for to me, and already not existirei' ' 11. Here it is there the only reason for which if it wants more the singularity and the difference, the fascinating efemeridade of everything what if it has covered with stonewashed 12 vestments of gignestai : It does not have in-itself kinship idea that if it justifies. Also it duplicity of one exactly is not reasonable to pronounce to the soul of all form, place where everything what it exists is always a fancy excess of the same. Facebook shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In this level of the feverish, impossible existence it is the manifestation of the homesickness. Because everything is one only same one; each exactly is a continuous gift in all part. Of where the tdio. For this to say that who if loses not more in the delirium of the forms and the meat already uses for on the supply-sensible same a esteem with that if it receives the fugacidade from the form. Let us see how much the man can love the proper face more than what you exactly the man idea, who more does not correspond to the man singularity some.
He is there, in the genealogy of the perceived one, defying the man to hipotetisar the directions: As the day was born again, the same. As if infancy; the farewell to the tomb and the fear of 13 Hamlet. As if the man in your previous silence, the woman seeing in its body the minimum vestige of future some: the son and the prodigal life. As if the night did not imply the fear of the solitude that if in the proper said one, and to perceive also contained the brief favour there and as always so soon of that one so claimed to distraction of the conscience mine that can, at last, to generate the laugh as if. already is not seen or it does not want that everything that if keeps in the memory has existed only in the plain lrido one of the imagination. Fantastic it is to think that everything existed. Splendid is the capacity human being not to doubt not to suffer. As if the least who suffers did not suffer as if.
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