But emparte became this reasonable formularization little. Thinkers as Voltaire, Montaigne and Rousseau, defended not the manipulation of the nature. each umexpressou its discord with Discardings its way. Voltaire contrariandoo that it are said on the animals not to feel pain, affirmed: ' ' Some barbarous creatures grasp this dog, that exceeds ohomem in friendship feelings; they nail it in a table, still dissecam it alive, to show the mesentricas veins to you. You find in it all the agencies dassensaes that also exist in you. Atreve you now to argue, if you are capable, that it she naturezacolocou all these instruments of sensation in the animal, for queele cannot feel! ' ' 14 Already Rousseau if took refuge in the nature, and atribua to the life emsociedade the cause of all males.
criticized the comanimais experimentations. Montaigne inside of the imprisoned vision to the religious ideal of the human being divinizada comocriatura, and benevolent administrator of all creation. It affirmed, that the Creator in the ones after in the land for serviz it, and that the animals are as nossafamlia. extended this respect to the plants. But the constataes provoked for the discovery of the fisiologiasemelhante between men and animals, they had not provoked the same conclusesdescritas above in other thinkers.
Emanuel Kant conclua: ' ' In what dizrespeito to the animals, we do not have duties right-handers. The animals possuemautoconscincia and are not only half to reach an end. This end is ohomem.' ' 15 For Kant only the rational beings and autoconscintes, estodentro of the ethical sphere of rights and duties. The animals not possuemautoconscincia, much less rationality, and do not understand the eager direction between and death. Much less they are apt to make choices in this direction. Posioparecida possesss filosfo contratualista John Locke, when it defines termo' ' pessoa' ' , ' ' intelligent and pensante one to be endowed with reason and reflection eque can consider it exactly itself what it is, the same pensante thing, emdiferentes moments and lugares.' ' 16 Automatically, in the theory of Locke, osanimais for not having the rationality and autonomy, is incapable of social formaremrelaes and politics.
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