Thursday, March 27, 2014


As already said in another Oriss article it means: ORI = mind/BAKES = force. , that is, those that had been very strong. The divinizao of the Orisss is one of the main axles that permeiam the essence of the ethics in the afrobrasileiras religions. According to myths, or Itans, the Orisss, was common people who lived in the old kingdoms of the African center-west. However they had passed for adverse situations of all the types. In all the Itans, the Orisss was not divinizaram for its benevolence, charity, pardon, wealth, glory or something seemed. All were after divinizaram to commit a great error.

Or better, after to have the force to recognize and to surpass these errors. The example of the Itan of the divinizao of Ogum where it after becomes a Oriss to decimate all the population of one of its cities. It does not obtain to support size repentance and disappears, being engolido for the land. The thing most important to the son of Oriss, who cultua, loves and transmits the cult, is not the pardon and the charity, but the constant proper overcoming of the errors and defects. With the overcoming of itself exactly; the constant search for improving we ourselves we contribute for a better world, a better humanity.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Current Banking Using

The arrival of the banking activities of the Internet has changed the way we see banking and bankers. Many have raised a sigh of relief to be able to say goodbye to being a slave of banking activities, to queue and hours to the shape's fill. 1969 marked the end of an era in which first automated telling machine was introduced to the world. Until that time the financial transaction happened only within the banks with the help of a human case. The atmosphere in one was where you could draw cash and deposit checks without going into a bank. The next big step came about 25 years later with the enormous growth of the World Wide Web.

For the first time, it was possible to now perform a range of functions of banking activities without always leaving home. All that was required was a bank account and a computer with Internet access. Security passed with utmost importance while the fraudsters online jumped on the technological music band truck and attempted, sometimes successfully, have access to the accounts of customers of banks. Sophisticated encryption techniques were employed to protect data to and from the client. A number and account password are needed to have access to the account and sometimes a second password with only some characters randomly from the password that is being requested. This was to make sure that even if some unscrupulous person obtained parts of the password, they still would not have the full password.

Of course, a password is of no value unless it is secret. One of the common mistakes people made when inventing a password is to use names of family or pets or dates of birth as your password. These are conjecture and should not easily be used. Passwords must be a combination of letters, numbers and symbols with a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters and must be at least 8 characters long. Banks also advise that passwords are changed at the intervals regular. There are very few transactions that you cannot be performed online, except for drawing cash. You can transfer funds from your checking account to pay your mortgage account, you can transfer money from your savings account to pay your credit card, you can pay your phone bill, money in his account of the spouses, the transfer in a check stop payment or ask for a checkbook newinstall a regular debit order, apply for a loan or a discovered balance and get statements, classified any way you want, downloaded to your PC in a variety of formats. We are no more we limit for hours of banks and no longer need to travel to the Bank, with the accompanying traffic frustrations. We now make our process when we are satisfied without having to be anywhere near a bank. The time comes when there is no human cases? Probably not; Some people prefer to treat a human being and others do not have any faith in sophisticated technology. The banks also benefit the use of the Internet banking activities increased. Staff that was previously tied up with routine tasks as printing statements now is freed up to perform other functions. Banks also save on staff costs and can reduce numbers of staff while customers multitasking more and more for themselves. Very important financial Corporation in North America with greater international bank presence. It offers its customers banking online, banking mobile, accounts and managing their personal finances, credit and business card.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Guararapes Foundation

If it had abandonment of the studies was for free will of each pupil or some another reason, because constantly the educational duties were charged on the part of the regent of the band, the professors and the direction of the school. Ahead of the continuity of the artistic works of the bands Maria Sampaio and Vasco of Gamma, Carmelo professor next to the pupils and all involved ones obtained many benefits for the performance of the band, such as: new instruments, uniform of prominence for the band, standard, game of flags for the school, room to keep the instruments of the band, material of maintenance, people to assist in the work of formation of the pupils contracted for the Guararapes Foundation (monitorial), among others benefits that helped, in favor of the band. In the administration of Carmelo professor the martial band Maria Sampaio de Lucena and Vasco of Gamma worked in set, that is, the requests that were made for one were made for the other also. The executed repertoire was equal for both, because into many occasions the two bands if only transformed into one, in the main meeting and events of prominence of our State and is of it. We can cite the Meeting of Bands and Swaggering of the northeast Military Command (of the Army) that it happened every year in the Gymnasium of Geraldo Sport, in the quarter of the Imbiribeira in Recife. In the reality the martial band Maria Sampaio de Lucena was created as plain pilot to take care of to the martial bands of the Secretariat of Education of Recife. Therefore, the band was called band the Guararapes Foundation for belonging to this institution and because of its prominence in the scene of the martial bands that called the attention in the development its repertoire and ' ' uniforme' ' that at the time she was confectioned in So Paulo for the estilista Lina Fernandes. The uniform had much pomp and very called the attention the public for being a uniform differentiated for what age of custom at that time, north-eastern Brazilian, therefore u

Sunday, March 9, 2014

History Contents

In the too much series also he was not different, needed to repeat the contents some times; the elaborated questions already, however the pupils needed to decorate them all for test. This procedure developed in classroom came of a ready planning of the City department of Education and Culture of Medicilndia (SEMEC). What it intrigued more me is that all the contents would have that to be applied in the 200 period of learning days, being little excellent the learning of the pupils. To fulfill the calendar and to apply all the contents were the only requirement of the managers of the education of the City of Medicilndia. Acting more than the three years working with this methodology in the Municipal School of Basic Education Garden East, located in vicinal the 122,5 in Medicilndia in Par; seeing little result, was necessary to move innovating and searching half that they came to contribute in the process of education and learning.

in the chance to be making the teaching in this period we know some thinkers and philosophers with you vary educational trends in which some of them had been adopted and that we develop ties today. With the studies and research carried through in them you discipline ' ' Language and Communication of the Field, and Histricos' Studies; ' given for the professors Installation Cruz and Liliane Goudinho it came to contribute in practises educational of all professors of the field. To study these principles of Language and Communication together with History is being very important, because exactly being come back toward the field it does not study contents isolated and yes in accord with other areas of the knowledge; better saying, a study to interdisciplinar that it has left of the history of the individual until the way where this inserted one; politician, social, economic and cultural. Inside of this historical context and on the basis of the studies, we come across ourselves with some problems, one of them is the methodology of education in classroom.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Passion And Treason

When it had thirteen or fourteen years, its primeiroamor lived. Marcia had the most absolute certainty of that never more it would go to love outrapessoa, had many plans and dreams. As it would be its house, how many children name of each one of them would have eo. The life with it would be the paradise. To put interesting detoda this estria is that the boy for who it got passionate not compartilhavados its dreams, in the truth it at least wise person of the existence of Mrcia.Mesmoassim it dreamed, wrote poems, letters of love that it never received. At that time the namoros did not pass of given hands, exchange debilhetes and in the maximum little kisses in the face with much luck and care.

When, after one two years living this amorplatnico, it knew that the youngster was namorando one another girl, its mundocaiu, its life it did not have more direction, it wanted to die. But it did not die and its vidafoi happening and other experiences was living, but never it forgot seuprimeiro love. It was living other loves, other passions, of formadiferente, clearly, until it was married, so is gotten passionate how much of the first time. The time passes, the girl it turned woman the duraspenas, to grow, to ripen it also aches, it has good things, but it aches, and it is with doresque we learn to value the pleasures, the conquests the experiences that nosenriquecem, that it becomes better as human beings, either man or woman. A moment in our life always arrives where we perceive oquanto we can love, we love different people, of different forms, we can atamar a person more than at the same time. this had happened with Mrcia, for surprise delamesma, if had gotten passionate for a neck and a head, is this same, neck ecabea.

Homemese knew one got passionate for the way with that it moved the head, it looked at for it and said si same that head belonged to a king, neck and head if movimentavamcom a security and beauty that the remaining portion of the body did not have. It was altiva, majestical head, arrogant until, where all omais he was superfluous, there a crown fit only. Marcia passed very tempoapaixonada for this head without at least having noticed if that man tinhaolhos, mouth or nose. It had others passions of this type, for the voice of somebody, pelasmos, for the floor and for go there. If it also got passionate for men entirely, without it separates-losaos pieces, it lived great histories of love with as many men, that I would noconseguiria I write them all, not to be a common thing to all; nenhumdesses men at least had never distrusted of this ' ' paixo' ' that Mrcia felt, nuncasouberam that they had been white of so great doidice. However, I find that they must have known, that when it acordavade morning of low, discouraged astral and without auto esteem, was esperanade to find ' ' passion of vez' ' to serenovar, if to liven up to produce itself. thus it lived, always gotten passionate for homensdiferentes, men who of a strange half skill, and without knowing, had helped it viverexercitando its feminilidade, and without never trair its husband.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Down Cornea

Keratoconus is a medical condition that gives rise to gradual changes in vision and in the shape of the eye. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Gen. Martin Dempsey. Most frequently from adolescence, this degenerative disease occurs slowly and at first can be diagnosed. Early diagnosis is important since over time only corrective measures such as the use of contact lenses fail to do enough to correct vision and some people with Keratoconus require corneal transplant, but today already exists the option of a treatment of Keratoconus. Little is known about the causes of Keratoconus.; Some people, like those with Down syndrome have an increased risk for acquiring this condition. There has been some speculation that people who routinely rubbing the eyes may be at greater risk, and then is popularly known, said that behavior in children should be avoided. What happens is that with Keratoconus the cornea begins to stretch out and become thinner, and this translates into the eye with a small lump on the front that has the a cone shape. The change in the cornea and the form of the results of the eyes in the differences in the way in which the eye perceives light and vision becomes blurred, is called astigmatism. The distances are more difficult to see and myopia usually present also.

The most common symptoms of this condition include, as mentioned, myopia and blurred vision. Persons may also have damaged night vision, the rupture of the cornea of the eye with the flooding and excess fluid, in addition, in some cases, headaches. Another typical symptom is that many people's eyes become sensitive to light. When diagnosed in the early stages, Keratoconus treatment starts with different types of contact lenses. Rigid lenses may be preferable, since they can help flatten the irregularities of the eye, but they can be uncomfortable to use for some people. There is a combination of contact lenses that are between soft and rigid, and that may be a better solution. For some people, however, the cornea can become too damaged and vision may be affected even with the use of lenses. In these cases, corneal transplant can be considered to replace the thinned and damaged cornea. There are other treatments under investigation as cross-linking collagen, which is a way of stopping the corneal thinning. This treatment of Keratoconus may or not become standard, and other eye surgeries could be preferred at a later time.