Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Passion And Treason

When it had thirteen or fourteen years, its primeiroamor lived. Marcia had the most absolute certainty of that never more it would go to love outrapessoa, had many plans and dreams. As it would be its house, how many children name of each one of them would have eo. The life with it would be the paradise. To put interesting detoda this estria is that the boy for who it got passionate not compartilhavados its dreams, in the truth it at least wise person of the existence of Mrcia.Mesmoassim it dreamed, wrote poems, letters of love that it never received. At that time the namoros did not pass of given hands, exchange debilhetes and in the maximum little kisses in the face with much luck and care.

When, after one two years living this amorplatnico, it knew that the youngster was namorando one another girl, its mundocaiu, its life it did not have more direction, it wanted to die. But it did not die and its vidafoi happening and other experiences was living, but never it forgot seuprimeiro love. It was living other loves, other passions, of formadiferente, clearly, until it was married, so is gotten passionate how much of the first time. The time passes, the girl it turned woman the duraspenas, to grow, to ripen it also aches, it has good things, but it aches, and it is with doresque we learn to value the pleasures, the conquests the experiences that nosenriquecem, that it becomes better as human beings, either man or woman. A moment in our life always arrives where we perceive oquanto we can love, we love different people, of different forms, we can atamar a person more than at the same time. this had happened with Mrcia, for surprise delamesma, if had gotten passionate for a neck and a head, is this same, neck ecabea.

Homemese knew one got passionate for the way with that it moved the head, it looked at for it and said si same that head belonged to a king, neck and head if movimentavamcom a security and beauty that the remaining portion of the body did not have. It was altiva, majestical head, arrogant until, where all omais he was superfluous, there a crown fit only. Marcia passed very tempoapaixonada for this head without at least having noticed if that man tinhaolhos, mouth or nose. It had others passions of this type, for the voice of somebody, pelasmos, for the floor and for go there. If it also got passionate for men entirely, without it separates-losaos pieces, it lived great histories of love with as many men, that I would noconseguiria I write them all, not to be a common thing to all; nenhumdesses men at least had never distrusted of this ' ' paixo' ' that Mrcia felt, nuncasouberam that they had been white of so great doidice. However, I find that they must have known, that when it acordavade morning of low, discouraged astral and without auto esteem, was esperanade to find ' ' passion of vez' ' to serenovar, if to liven up to produce itself. thus it lived, always gotten passionate for homensdiferentes, men who of a strange half skill, and without knowing, had helped it viverexercitando its feminilidade, and without never trair its husband.

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