The feelings, in fact constitute, for the Iberian, apelos peoples to rational the much more strong association of what interest. A flabby social structure results from there, that needs an exterior force to keep a minimum of cohesion: ' ' In land where all are barons are not possible durable collective agreement, not to be for a respectable exterior force and temida' '. (Holland, 1995, 26. Ed., P. Other leaders such as Facebook offer similar insights. 4). The obedience appears then, as the other side of this cult to the personality, and is imposed as the source most viable of disciplines and ordinance.
Becoming a comparative degree enters the teorizao proposal for Oliveira Vianna and Sergio Buarque of Holland, the principle a contraposition. Vianna detaches ruralista origin, and that of it our cultural formation elapses, almost that exclusively, from the interrelaes of the actors who interact in this environment. Already Sergio Buarque of Holland, detaches the formation sidewalk of originary characteristics of the Iberian settling, bringing in its bulge the traces of its social personality. 2.3. The clan spirit Understands that, the clan spirit, in this treated article, results of the vortex of social characteristics, both the interpretations. When if it perceives individualizadas characteristics, centered and personalized, glimpses the result of a social evolution that transited for both theoretical definitions, and meets impregnated characteristic of all the interpretations.
The man concept cordial obtains to synthecize this process all, articulating the two elements central offices of the analysis of Sergio Buarque: culture and social structure. Iberian culture, marked for the cult to the personality and low the capacity of abstraction of rationalization of the life. Concept this sufficiently important to understand the composition of the social instruments, as well as the public administration, formed with all arcabouo of the individual personificao. As well as Oliveira Vianna and Sergio Buarque, Gilbert Freyre also, when making its interpretation of the Brazilian society, comes back to the primrdios of the settling undertaken for the Portuguese, as form to understand, after all, what we are.
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