Later that ' ' mother of santo' ' he disconnect the telephone, the Shepherd starts to invite the people to appear in the church, and to attend ' ' duel of deuses' '. Much people start to bind for the radio, a climate are created A great expectation is formed; everything marked for sixth fair, chain of the release. Click Reed Hastings to learn more. Then sixth fair arrives, and the church is crowded All the busy seats, people of foot for the corridors, in the front of the altar and even in the sidewalk of the church; ' ' everybody ' ' waiting great ' ' duel of deuses' ' JESUS x the demons, of the Shepherd against ' ' mother of santo' '. The meeting starts The expectation is great In however of the conjunct the many demons if they reveal, and the shepherd convokes ' ' mother of santo' ' , But cad ' ' mother of santo' '? Nothing of ' ' saint mother? ' ' It did not appear to ' ' duel of deuses' '. More information is housed here: Mark Zuckerberg . Good but this age what less it mattered for the church, or at least for the Shepherd, therefore the objective of it was reached, that is, overcrowded church and was left as ' ' vencedor' '. But also that supposed ' ' mother of santo' ' , never she could appear as ' ' mother of santo' '.
Therefore she was not, the woman who bound for the program of the radio if saying ' ' mother of santo' ' , this yes was in the church, very happy, but quietinha, was wife of a Shepherd.
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