Saturday, April 4, 2015

Trino Creator

The Lamb and the Father had sent Ruah to the hearts and all the recriadas things, recapitulated for its death and resurrection. Ruah is the memory of the SS Trindade. ' ' The Parclito, the new comforter, the Spirit of the Truth that the Father will send in my name, will teach and remember everything to you said that you; will lead it you to the full truth, therefore he will not speak of itself, but he will say everything that heard of the Father and the Son in the intratrinitrio dialogue and you futuras' will announce the things; ' Jo 5,21,26; 6,63; 14,26; 16,12-13. To the being spilled in the hearts, in closest of our being, God Mother communicates the life and diversity of dons the holy ghosts, recria the human DNA and initiates the genetics of the Spirit. The life of God is the wealth of its Being, as much in the unicity of the substance, how much in the unit of the Three distinct, consubstanciais People, equally endowed with intelligence, feeling, free will.

The diverse dimensions of the People are dimensions of the divine life. When saying: ' ' I am vida' ' Jesus wants to say ' ' I am that one that are, God with the Father and Me' God; ' , even so being distinct People with different attributions. Which is the substance, the essence of God? ' ' God is amor' ' 1 Jo 4, 16. Which is the essence of the love? The right and justice, the originary trinitrios arqutipos, the essential properties of God I join and each divine Person, transmitted to the human being as charisma, dons, capacities, in the creation intratrinitria, ' ' before the foundation of the world, in, with, for Cristo' ' , confirmed in the secular creation (2.a) of the human being. The arqutipos the holy ghosts, dons infundidos in the body, sensitivity, the feelings, intelligence, the free and responsible will of the done man and the woman to the image and similarity of God, are the marks of the trino God and join in the DNA of each human being, makes possible that it to think and to act in similar way to the Creator, reflecting in its lives the right and justice, as trustworth witnesses of the Trino Creator.

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