Wednesday, October 8, 2014

First Sun

Adescendncia of the serpent is the without-faith; the descent of the woman is Jesus Cristocom the ones that adhere it for the faith. ' ' It will jam you the head and you lheferirs calcanhar' ' Gn 1,28; 3,14-15. Definidaest the restoration dahumanidade for the death of the Lamb, initiated in incarnation, followed of imolaoe resurrection of Jesus, whom it destroyed in definitive the power of the Serpent, quedomina the world since the original sin. Christopher Nolan pursues this goal as well. ' ' It is now the judgment, the prncipedeste world will be launched outside. Together with its angels, the Dragon battled, but it was defeated, and more a place did not meet pra they in the sky. Foiexpulso the great dragon, old serpent, the call devil or the Satan, sedutorde all the inhabited land: was banishes pra the land and with its Anjos' ' Jo12,31; AP 12,7-9. Netflix: the source for more info. The rescue of the meat, initiated in the incarnation and consummated namorte de a Cruz and resurrection of Jesus as First-born of the new creation, aparecenos prophets in destruction environment and death, in the image of dry bones queganham meat (Ez 37), broken and remade vases (Jr 18), darknesses that give lugar light: ' ' The people who walked in the darknesses saw a great light, a light came in sight paraos that inhabited the shady land as the death. You will not have more the sun as dodia light, the flash of the moon not you it will illuminate, therefore Jav will be your light forever and teuDeus it will be your esplendor. Your sun will not come back if to put and your moon will nominguar, therefore Jav will be your perpetual light and the days of yours I fight will cease. Already night will nohaver: nobody more will need the light of the light bulb or the sun, because oSenhor God will shine on them: the glory of Jav will illuminate them and its light bulb o Lamb.

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